Bee Aware Month
What is Bee Aware
Month about?
September is the start of spring and a great time to help Kiwis learn more about the importance of honey bees and to share practical advice to ensure a sustainable future for bees. Thanks to the beekeeping industry body, Apiculture NZ for coordinating Bee Aware Month.
Here's a few things you can do to love our bees:
plant bee-friendly flowers and trees, visit our Trees for Bees Nursery shop for ideas as plants for bees is what our nursery is all about. The Resources page is also a great source of ideas.
provide fresh water for bees
use safe pesticides, or if you need to spray, take care to apply when bees are not active, such as in the early morning or on dusk
take a break from lawnmowing and let the clover flowers grow
and, of course, eat delicious honey!

Colouring in for kids
Get your kids involved with Bee Aware Month with a colouring in picture about bees.